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How can i use Jetpack compose in java ?

21 ответов

14 просмотров

No way to use.

Ali-Ghasemi Автор вопроса
Vadym Yaroshchuk
No way to use.

Why Google doesn't release for java ?

Ali Ghasemi
Why Google doesn't release for java ?

Because java is shit. Kotlin is officially #1 in android developing

Ali Ghasemi
Why Google doesn't release for java ?

Google doesn't officially support java for android

Only Kotlin! You're suppose to learn Kotlin asap because it's reported as the official Android development language. New libraries are being written only in Kotlin.

Jorge Luiz
Only Kotlin! You're suppose to learn Kotlin asap b...

I agree with this, in interviews I'm being asked only Kotlin questions

Sreekanth K
But Kotlin is interoperable with Java.

So libraries written in Kotlin are interoperable with Java

Sreekanth K
So libraries written in Kotlin are interoperable w...

Yep, but you absolutely lose in performance by using that inter. At least it's what I've read on many books about Kotlin. Writing 100% Kotlin code you'll unleash the maximum potential of the Kotlin language.

Jorge Luiz
Yep, but you absolutely lose in performance by usi...

In which way? It's gonna be the same bytecode as if Java sources were compiled. I know that Java-C interop could kill some performance. But I never heard that about Kotlin-Java interop. Can you send a proof-links?

Roman Chumachenko
In which way? It's gonna be the same bytecode as i...


Jorge Luiz

Okay let's just think about it. Android SDK is fully written in Java. And we write apps in kotlin which rely on Java code. We use many Java libraries to solve different problems. Any performance drops?

Please, read the book inside it there're several examples which describe what I've mentioned.

Jorge Luiz
Please, read the book inside it there're several e...

Interop chapter is small and contains syntactic basics as far as I see

Jorge Luiz
Yep, but you absolutely lose in performance by usi...

Okay so there is info about possibly poor build time and increased artifact size if you add kotlin to existing project. I agree, kotlin has it's flaws and those claims are plain truth. But is it about runtime performance?

Roman Chumachenko
screenshot Okay so there is info about possibly poor build ti...

You could agree with me there are other obvious advantages in using 100% Kotlin code, for instance, you could use all benefits of the language itself. Is that not enough to you or any other dev?

Jorge Luiz
You could agree with me there are other obvious ad...

Sure. It's just that word 'perfeormance' mean different things in different contexts. And I thought you were talking about runtime performance drops

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