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Discussion... Anyone got any idea how apps regularly change their

UI without users updating the apps? Facebook is very guilty of this, the UI keep changing yet i don't remember the last time i updated that app. They're not the only ones tho, some other apps I've got on phone also do this.

21 ответов

32 просмотра

It's called A/B tests. They preload different UI types with update and then some backend service may decide to put you into those hypothesis with different UI/UX

web view🤔

zax4r0 🇮🇳
web view🤔

I highly doubt. Though the whole app is built on react native it still does not fill like it's just a web view container. But a/b testing is a popular thing. Many companies apply this approach to test business hypothesis

Nnaoma-M Автор вопроса
zax4r0 🇮🇳
web view🤔

Facebook UI/UX is too good and expensive (in terms of performance and memory) to be wrapped around a Webview... Moreover it's not the only app i got on my phone doing that.

Nnaoma M
Facebook UI/UX is too good and expensive (in terms...

Same. I know at least two other: SignNow and YouTube

Nnaoma-M Автор вопроса
Roman Chumachenko
Same. I know at least two other: SignNow and YouTu...

Exactly. Opera Mini made me ask this question. i used it yesterday, when i reopened the app after some hours, i noticed that another menu has been added to the Bottom Navigation View. Men that was crazy😁

Microservices maybe

Nnaoma-M Автор вопроса
Microservices maybe

Any idea how this is achieve able using Micro services?

Nnaoma M
Exactly. Opera Mini made me ask this question. i u...

Yeah, like same. Couple of times got into YouTube ab-tests and once into chrome tab group ab-test

Nnaoma M
Exactly. Opera Mini made me ask this question. i u...

as roman said that changes was added in previous update for then they changed that from a commad😅🤔

Nnaoma M
Any idea how this is achieve able using Micro serv...


Nnaoma-M Автор вопроса
Roman Chumachenko
Yeah, like same. Couple of times got into YouTube ...

Yes!!! I forgot chrome😁... The design for listing open tabs keep on changing.

Nnaoma M
Any idea how this is achieve able using Micro serv...

They we had it: there is usual rest API for it (basically tells you which experiment feature to togle for this user) and that's it. Micro/monolith is just a backend architecture

Nnaoma-M Автор вопроса
zax4r0 🇮🇳
as roman said that changes was added in previous u...

Men!!! I just hope they ain't paying their designers and developers nuts... That's a lot of work man

Nnaoma-M Автор вопроса
Nnaoma-M Автор вопроса
Nnaoma-M Автор вопроса

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