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Recycler view scrolled laggy ! How solve that ?

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Did you put it inside scrollview?

Ali-Ghasemi Автор вопроса
Ali-Ghasemi Автор вопроса
Motasem Jouda
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Just laggy when you scroll fast . In adapter set some text to text view and check is current item , to my favorite list and setting some images based on item rate .

Ali-Ghasemi Автор вопроса
Roman Chumachenko
How do you set images?

I use glide to load profile and for other from mipmap .

Pagination library

Ali Ghasemi
I use glide to load profile and for other from mip...

If the images are too large it can easily lag

Ali-Ghasemi Автор вопроса
Ali-Ghasemi Автор вопроса

that’s probably problem with your adapter not the image itself

Ali-Ghasemi Автор вопроса
Ali Ghasemi
my adapter .

why you are using java? move to kotlin

Ali-Ghasemi Автор вопроса
why you are using java? move to kotlin

my problem not about language !!!

Ali Ghasemi
my adapter .

in recyclerview adapter you must write all statements. add an else statement to this

Ali Ghasemi
my problem not about language !!!

yes but with this language you will have many more problems

Ali-Ghasemi Автор вопроса
screenshot in recyclerview adapter you must write all stateme...

i set default image in xml to write code less in adapter .

Ali-Ghasemi Автор вопроса
screenshot it’s like a poem

learn view binding

Ali-Ghasemi Автор вопроса
Ali Ghasemi
i know .

i highly doubdt that. https://developer.android.com/topic/libraries/view-binding here read this one carefully

Ali-Ghasemi Автор вопроса
Ali Ghasemi
is it best practice and complete ?

yes it is and it will make your code shorter. short code means more managable code and fast working

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