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Hello, I'M working on an app involving money. Every money involving action

creates a record, from which the overall user's balance can be calcuated.
There are many ways for the users to create these records, inside and even outside the application.
I want to make sure the new records won't ever result in negative balance for the user (because that means they used up more than they had, obviously).
If my application gets two requests at the same time, it might allow 2 decreasing records as the balance calculated for both requests was the same.

How do I deal with a problem like this?
I'm aware of the locking, but I feel like it's not reliable enough.
The solution I'm thinking of right now is creating something like a chain of any actions involving money.
Any new action would need to reference the previous action and this reference should stay unique for every user seprately.
If there's an attempt to append 2 records that reference the same previous action, then only one goes through.

However, I'm struggling to think of a solution for such a system.
Can anyone show me how the integrity of any financial data is normally achieved?
Or at least, is there any additional information on the solution I currently have in my head?

2 ответов

8 просмотров

Are you trying to implement a blockchain?

You need to have a database that is transactional and hence allow you to cancel operations if they result in an invalid state. To be precise, they need to be able to consider every balance action as an atomic operation

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