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I just started using Redux with React, im just curious

what is better practice when getting data from API, should I fetch it in React component and then send data to Redux to put it in state or should i use redux thunk and use fetch request directly in Redux, and then just get state in React?

7 ответов

3 просмотра

Tbh Redux with React is a lot of overhead, if you truly just started using it. I would stop 🛑 and take a look at Reacts built in tools such as the Context API

There is also redux saga

i think redux saga is a better aproach

Isaac .
i think redux saga is a better aproach

if you will need to fetch this data from different components

Milos-Sofronijevic Автор вопроса
Will Germany
Tbh Redux with React is a lot of overhead, if you ...

Its a part of some assignment I got, they want me to use Redux with React, so im just wondering what is best practice. Other solution is to use MobX but I never used it and want to stick with something im familiar with.

Will Germany
Tbh Redux with React is a lot of overhead, if you ...

I agree with the fact that it is a lot of overhead, but it is use in a lot of projects, so it is a must to know basically

Milos Sofronijevic
Its a part of some assignment I got, they want me ...

You may want to check redux-toolkit, it reduces a lot of boilerplate code

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