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I often see adepts of such approach here and there.

I'm surprised that you didn't suggested him to write code on paper.

@mavericklady , you can follow that recommendation and hate software development before you can build and run your sandbox projects. If you want to struggle with tools and overwhelming complexity then go for notepad.

I believe that for a novice the most important thing is running the project easily and easily explore language and its sdk. Leave uninteresting things for later, start from interesting ones.

Why waste time on those unnecessary struggles? I remember somebody asked me in dm how to compile his code with javac and run it with java from shell. Why to struggle with it from the very beginning? Moreover, nobody does that, people just use build system that integrates into ide or at least is ran with single simple shell command.

The truth is that nobody uses that kind of shit for development of something more or less complicated (99% for Java). I can even walk along the office and ask if there's anyone who doesn't use ide for statistics if you're interested. If your project is up to 50 classes (very rare) and is plain SE Java, and you use tiny bit of Java sdk, then you may be ok with notepad. But it's rarely true. Most of the time you work with hundreds and thousands of classes, including those from jdk/jee/spring/any other lib/framework, jsp, xml, configs, build scripts, bunch of other template types, and so on, and so on.
This is exactly what complexity is about. IDE helps you to manage that complexity. And it helps you to do tedious repetitive things in a single click/key shortcut.
Its not hard to learn how to use ide. But it's hard and takes huge time to learn how to manage complexity and work with the codebase without sinking in irrelevant code. And you won't get to far with that without an ide. So why not to learn it from the beginning? Especially because it makes learning much easier on beginning

3 ответов

4 просмотра

Yeah why learn how to change your wheel on your car when you can have the garage do it. Amirite?

duly noted sir..will try an ide soon

I said the same to my faculty ... I was thrashed for arguing...

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