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Why do some people buy NFTs at a higher price

when there is a lower price in the market for the same NFT? Like genesis starsharks mysterybox.
I saw some mysteryboxes are selling for 85000busd but there are cheaper prices for the same mysterybox.

19 ответов

25 просмотров

The more expensive the purchase, the more valuable it is :)

Niluminda- Автор вопроса

But it is a mysterybox

But it is a mysterybox

the cost in this case does not matter, there is a buyer for everything

Niluminda- Автор вопроса
the cost in this case does not matter, there is a ...

Yes you are saying is right... But I still don't get it..

Yes you are saying is right... But I still don't g...

you know, people pay a lot of money for branded items, although there are things much cheaper and even better in quality) maybe this is not a good example, but I perceive it that way

Niluminda- Автор вопроса
This is the WAY 😄

often spending money brings people great pleasure, as they say in Russia, "everyone has his own cockroaches in his head"

you know, people pay a lot of money for branded it...

These are 1st edition Jimmy choo with limited supply.. Its Sol purpose will be for your own avatars in metaverse.. These are ever lasting shoes that will only increase in price.. The fact that any of these shoes are around the hundred dollar mark blows my mind.. Do you know how expensive Jimmy choo shoes are in general? Most expensive shoes in the world. And these will be brand new forever.

yes, it looks like something amazing!

I'm so excited for the opensea market to move to Binance.

Nelly [Will Never DM First]
I'm so excited for the opensea market to move to ...

I absolutely agree! I really like how binance works, it is easy to use and understandable even for a child it seems

I absolutely agree! I really like how binance wor...

Soon enough people will be here with all the great future projects branching on the BSC its only a matter of time.

Nelly [Will Never DM First]
Soon enough people will be here with all the great...

I know, I'm glad to feel like a "part" of this project, there will be something to tell the children when the day of the metaverse comes🤣

What do you tell the children?

That a dog meme coin made me filthy rich

What do you tell the children?

depending on when they show up. but, in any case, I think they will be shocked by the fact that people in 2022 were queuing at the supermarket, and in 2040 it will be possible to buy nft food and you already have it at home😂

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