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I'Ll always be an advocate for PVE, while everybody else

will always continue to say it's not suitable for production and that vmWare or Hyper-V are better 😅
what can you do about it? 😂

9 ответов

9 просмотров

Just use KVM.

Bryan Joshua-Pedini Автор вопроса
Sharuzzaman Ahmat Raslan
Just use KVM.

good ol' plain KVM with virt-manager on your management machine at home connected to the remote hosts via an ssh tunnel?

There's also openstack

Alexander Gnatyuk
There's also openstack

Now we're talking of a great solution

Bryan Joshua-Pedini Автор вопроса
Alexander Gnatyuk
There's also openstack

we do use that at work on the public cloud platform. not a fan of needing to create a base image of the OS that must use cloud-init to even create the default login user, and subsequent instances are nothing else but an incremental difference based on the base image snapshot

Bryan Joshua-Pedini Автор вопроса
Sharuzzaman Ahmat Raslan
Why not?

fancy GUI, monitoring made easy, Proxmox Backup Server 3-click-install and configuration 😅

Bryan Joshua-Pedini Автор вопроса
Alexander Gnatyuk
You mean host or guest?

dunno, we just use a web GUI to launch instances and it's been a hell up until now...

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