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Hello is product_id here : DELETE FROM products WHERE product_id=1

should be defined as a PRIMARY KEY When creating the table in order for this query to be executed well ?

6 ответов

8 просмотров

It's totally optional, primary keys are defined in order to have one or more columns to uniquely identify a row in a table. CREATE TABLE article ( id PRIMARY KEY ); // <--- angry face? xD In the table article, the column id will uniquely identify an article entry (row). Behind the scenes, a primary key constrain will make the column(s) UNIQUE and NOT NULL

It's totally optional, primary keys are defined in...

All of this is optional, but the nice thing about it is: if you use these constraints, whenever you make a mistake (enter an article with an id value that already exists), the database server will throw an error

Read about it on Google, you'll find a lot of information regarding DELETE FROM 😶

It should work fine without it being defined as primary key, although ids are usually defined as such

𝘼𝙗𝙙𝙤-🧢 Автор вопроса
All of this is optional, but the nice thing about ...

thanks very much , thanks for all this clear explanation !!

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