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Hey, am supposed to install arch Linux through a YouTube

tutorial for Jan this year,

I downloaded the iso image and instead of finding my self in the terminal after I load the USB drive, I found myself on a graphical user interface, how do I get to the terminal from there or is there a way to get things done through the interface.?

4 ответов

5 просмотров

then you're not using Arch Linux, as there's not any graphical interface in Arch Linux

Friday Candour [Ask to PM]- Автор вопроса
then you're not using Arch Linux, as there's not a...

Please what am I supposed to see when I boot up the USB

Friday Candour [Ask to PM]
Please what am I supposed to see when I boot up th...

you'll see a brief selection about the boot process and after a couple of seconds you'll get a black terminal only

Friday Candour [Ask to PM]- Автор вопроса
you'll see a brief selection about the boot proces...

Nop, I got a brief section but nothing else, no terminal

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