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Hi there! What's your opinion of Deepin OS? Is it

stable and can I rely on it?

13 ответов

3 просмотра

just use Debian. stop looking around for all the derivatives.

okay why debian?

because Deepin is the derivative of Debian. they take Debian and put changes on top. same like Ubuntu. so just use Debian, and tweak it as you like

Mujtahid- Автор вопроса
Mujtahid- Автор вопроса
Sharuzzaman Ahmat Raslan
of course

if I have a chance to choose debian or arch which one should I choose?

so is it good for beginners too?

Here's an exhaustive list of Linux distributions that will not teach you bad habits as a beginner : - Fedora - Debian - Arch

if I have a chance to choose debian or arch which ...

Does not matter. All the original or base distro is the "base" because they are firm and solid. other derivative just trying to use the stable base to focus on immaterial thing

Sharuzzaman Ahmat Raslan
because Deepin is the derivative of Debian. they t...

I have to say that Ubuntu and derivatives are easier to handle than "and VirtualBox is in unstable, and VMware kernel modules do not build, and VSCodium has to be installed manually 'cuz there is no such thing as PPAs in plain old Debian, and etc etc"...

Bryan Joshua Pedini
I have to say that Ubuntu and derivatives are easi...

I'll stop you right there. ANYTHING you can do in Ubuntu (and any godawful derivates some Frenchman and his cronies have made) you can do in Debian, this will come with experience. If you don't have the time or skills to properly configure/use Debian then use Ubuntu. However for the love of all things sane and holy, don't use Ubuntu derivatives that are poorly documented and terrible configuration changes

Raptor Blue Bear
I'll stop you right there. ANYTHING you can do in ...

nah nah, I totally agree with you, however for whom do not have either knowledge or time to investigate into errors and such, to be able to configure Debian à la Ubuntu-like (PPAs, sort of, and etc), the "readyness" of Ubu makes a little bit more sense IMO

Bryan Joshua Pedini
I have to say that Ubuntu and derivatives are easi...

Ubuntu and all its derivatives are just cheap derivatives of Debian. Anything you can do in Ubuntu can be done in Debian. The only thing Canonical does is take a perfectly working distribution and add all their bloat to it.

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