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Any program I can use to monitor uptime of remote

host? I want to be notified when the host comes online and goes offline. I can easily write some systemd units to send me emails and parse that, but maybe this task is already solved by some software?

7 ответов

4 просмотра


had used this once as a temp solution for something an year ago https://github.com/sanathp/statusok


Ender- Автор вопроса
Martin Rys

Ah, so what I'm looking for has broader scope than I thought. Thanks!

Ender- Автор вопроса
What did you replace it with?

the project was abandoned :P

Ah, so what I'm looking for has broader scope than...

Have you checked check mk? https://checkmk.com/download?edition=dcee&version=stable

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