My machine's GUI goes and stays in tty7 after every time I've logged in
Any idea why does this happen and possible solution
I find this quite strange and I have no idea how this happened ?
I'm on Debian Buster XFCE
Its usual GUI always set to tty7 u can change This is for the purpose of switching. Switching to that console (Alt-F7 from another text console, Ctrl-Alt-F7 from another instance of X) activates its display and input, switching away deactivates it. You can start other instances of X, and they will use more consoles (8, 9, etc.). Internal details of mode switching and console handling may vary. It is also possible to specify which TTY that Xorg will use. For example, you may specify what TTY Xorg will use when it is started. startx -- vt1 This will start X server in tty7
Instead of startx —(display output) (Appending startx has no effect ) , I appended [[ $(fgconsole 2>/dev/null ==1) ]] && exec lightdm — Virtual1 And it works fine
Why would you even start lightdm after logging in?
Cause it's giving me black screen after being logged
Just to be sure that we both are on the same page, by logging in, you mean you've entered your username and password in the TTY prompt? After you've successfully logged in, it should give you shell access (bash/zsh/...), and not display a completely blank screen.
No I've entered my credentials on GUI prompt Bit what it was giving me was black interfaces and the GUI stayed in tty7 So after that command I'm getting prompt (GUI) on tty1 Problem solved 🙂
If you've logged in using the greeter on tty7, you'd proceed to start the desktop environment (or window manager) on the same tty. Why would you start the GUI on 2 different ttys unless absolutely necessary?
I want on tty1 that's why
In that case, you should set up lightdm to start on tty1 instead of 7, not in both of them.
How do I do that That was what I was asking (being skeptical)
I haven't used lightdm in quite a long time. From what I found it's hard-coded to use tty7, I'm not sure if it's still the same. What's the problem with it using tty7 btw?
There's no problem but why does it goes over tty7
IIRC, most display managers use tty7 by default, except for SDDM (I know of only this), which uses tty1.
But you don't have to run a command to start the GUI, even on tty7. Doesn't lightdm have an option to choose the DE/WM?
Yes It has got I've forced to start on tty1 to start GUI
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