Похожие чаты

Hello, Can someone help me on how to start bash programming? Any

book or course to begin and any online platform like competitive coding to practise.

6 ответов

8 просмотров


The Devs Bot

This is epic

Wojak- Автор вопроса

Naah mate! you getting it all wrong, I'm not a beginner. I'm from a different domain. I'm a Hackfest Hackerank champion on hackerank, in top 500 on codeforces as far as competetive coding is concerned and a future amazon developer. I have expertise in both backend dev of website, or to start a DDOS attack and bdw I'm 21. So fret not and don't consider me la noob like you because noobs tend to downsize beginers and I, actively help others on a C/C++ group of 12k people with a team because no matter how stuffed you, there's always a lot to learn and no body, no matter anyone is master in any field so please don't you give me that "Hey noob, google yourself " talk because I asked for experience and ammeatures like you don't know that experience can't be googled. So just fuck off and don't you judge me in small deck of cards like yours

Naah mate! you getting it all wrong, I'm not a be...

Lmao BrUH read the pinned post why whine so much over over a Meme, I still can't stop laughing

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