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Hello, can I ask about software licensing here?

12 ответов

9 просмотров

Just ask. If anyone knows, ypu might get your answer

Adi Primanda-Ginting Автор вопроса
Sharuzzaman Ahmat Raslan
Just ask. If anyone knows, ypu might get your answ...

Okay, this is the question. If I create cloud services and client applications to access the cloud services for paid costumers and I license the binaries and the source codes as GPL or any free licenses, do you think it is valid if I don't open the source code for the public, but only paid/subscribed costumers?

Adi Primanda Ginting
Okay, this is the question. If I create cloud serv...

Anyone who runs the binary on their system needs to have the GPL source code.

Adi Primanda-Ginting Автор вопроса
Kiyo 💜
>free license >paid only

Free software licenses, like GPL. Free as in freedom, not beer

Adi Primanda Ginting
Okay, this is the question. If I create cloud serv...

If you run a cloud service, where people use the software in browser, you don't need to provide the source code or binary of the underlying application, even though it is GPL. This is how AWS can offer RDS MySQL and PostgreSQL without giving out the source code or binary. GPL only require you to provide source code if you distribute the binary

Adi Primanda-Ginting Автор вопроса
Sharuzzaman Ahmat Raslan
If you run a cloud service, where people use the s...

Do all the GPL responsibilities by sharing binaries and source code, but ask users to pay/sign in before using the cloud services. That is ethical, right?

Adi Primanda Ginting
Do all the GPL responsibilities by sharing binarie...

Don't understand. please elaborate. sign in, pay, GPL, are all different thing and not related

Adi Primanda-Ginting Автор вопроса
Sharuzzaman Ahmat Raslan
Don't understand. please elaborate. sign in, pay, ...

Say that in order to use the cloud services, users use desktop application. We give dekstop application and its source code to users, but they have to login first before accessing the cloud services from the desktop application

Adi Primanda Ginting
Say that in order to use the cloud services, users...

how does this relate to GPL? you can have your desktop app as GPL and give out source code, and your back end as GPL, but you didn't give out source code. that totally legal. does not matter if user login or not

Adi Primanda-Ginting Автор вопроса
Sharuzzaman Ahmat Raslan
how does this relate to GPL? you can have your des...

We don't share the server/cloud/back end code with users

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