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Guys, if nvidia is pain in the ass for Linux,

do u think ARM is going to be too?

17 ответов

5 просмотров

Not sure, ARM is quite popular in the Linux space so I wonder whether they want to compromise that position by being dicks about it.

Nvidia is after chip design and manufacturing capabilities that ARM has as well as allowing them to enter the mobile/portable market (which is predominantly ARM based)

aklil- Автор вопроса
so we gonna see ARM based Nvidia?

You'll likely see ARM assisting with the design and architecture of Nvidia chips and assisting with manufacturing

aklil- Автор вопроса
aklil- Автор вопроса
aklil- Автор вопроса
oh like they assist to apple, Qualcomm, etc...

Yes, but instead of being a 3rd party resource they would be 1st party and have complete insight

aklil- Автор вопроса
Raptor Blue Bear
Yes, but instead of being a 3rd party resource the...

ohh, then since there is no change on the arch of ARM its not gonna be a problem for Linux?

ohh, then since there is no change on the arch of ...

No, it would be daft of nvidia to force ARM to screw up a decent portion of their business

ohh, then since there is no change on the arch of ...

ARM is already a problem before. because of duplicate code. not all ARM processor is implemented the same, so each processor manufacturer create different way to handle in Linux kernel

aklil- Автор вопроса
Sharuzzaman Ahmat Raslan
ARM is already a problem before. because of duplic...

i thought all ARM instruction were the same..even for different implementations

i thought all ARM instruction were the same..even ...

nope, else we would have generic kernels on android which is not the case atleast rn

aklil- Автор вопроса
nope, else we would have generic kernels on androi...

so apple ARM has its own instructions also Qualcomm...so on and so forth?

so apple ARM has its own instructions also Qualcom...

not just vendor, but each chip. they do have *similar* instructions, but a lot of things differ if I am right

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