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Oky i got it .. so you mean it is

wrong to experiment new stuff in life ?

3 ответов

7 просмотров

that's a bit like twisting words isn't it? extrapolation much? We are saying that in YOUR case it's best to start with another distro

Now thats some framing if i've ever seen one with at minimum one logical fallacy in there, nice job

You're hoping for a "no its never wrong to play" - but you are not getting one from me. Ill informedly you chose kali, which tells you on its main page that you should not use it as a main operating system. The only reason it -is- commonly used by skids and some aspiring wannabes is its inclusion on mr robot, which was a massive mistake and still drives both skiddies and legitimate users away from real distros. And while the former can eat gravel for all i care real users should stay away from the insecure, meant for a specific purpose from usb liveboot, distro that is kali.

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