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From some untrustable leaks i see some lacks of accessibilities

but for example root dns servers belongs to usa. usa has authorities to get info from everywhere by force of law. there are some good and scary books about forensics. can you be sure about governments connections in this new world order? we know just what owners lets us know. i prefer to not think about out of reach stuffs but i know isp and dns servers can do hellish stuffs for sure. and recently i checked my dhcp services which i thought just host name and mac address used for identifications but i see there are 5 ids and over time i see people finds secret backdoors everywhere. can you trust encryptions which you don't know about internals and owners of the keys and algorithms? even if you can trust can you be sure about spies and manipulations? can you encrypt all metadatas? can you hide yourself from isps? at best conditions in a trustable world can you be sure about binaries and bugs and vulnerabilities? can you know everything?

1 ответов

7 просмотров

Surprisingly a lot of DNS zone operators were more than willing to share their full zones with yours truly under ICANN's CZDS for the simple reason of "being curious how large the DNS is"... Apparently you don't really need to be a 3 letter agency for it either ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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