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I ran into a problem! I was a happy Arch

+ Win dual boot user. After updating bios, it messed everything. I'm using hp laptop. So I played with efibootmgr. My problem was my system was directly booting into Windows than booting grub. Later I found that my /dev/sda1 is mounted on /efi directory. Upon opening /efi ; there are
/EFI /system-volume
cd /EFI
/Boot /Microsoft
cd /Microsoft

Microsoft has some files to boot into Windows. I also noticed bootmgfw.efi.

Now my problem.
After setting grub to boot first than booting directly into Windows, I changed bootorder to grub. After generating grub configuration, I saw it detected Windows at /dev/sda1. But, the problem is, WINDOWS IS NOT BOOTING -_*
I tried hours and days figuring out the problem. I couldn't. But, arch is booting fine.Later I noticed one thing;

efibootmgr command was showing EFI HARD DRIVE as 0002 and Windows boot manager as 0000. But, now when I'm doing efibootmgr command, I could not see 0002 EFI HARD DRIVE. I don't know why. I didn't delete any file from /Microsoft folder. What's happening? I'm sure that I didn't do anything with Windows partition or EFI.

Ps:Screenshot with green font is old output before this issue: https://i.imgur.com/pT41HG6.jpg

Screenshot is my current efibootmgr output: https://i.imgur.com/CYvc287.jpg

2 ответов

8 просмотров
Пользователь-6165a Автор вопроса

Arch is booting fine. But, Windows isn't booting

in my case i solved it by forcing uefi boot mode from bios for windows and compatibility mode from bios for linux. I cant boot both without changing bios settings. Uefi stops all non-uefi things from loading. If you broke your uefi stuff - its likely you can boot linux now. grub is after uefi check. If you can boot grub, you cant boot windows. In my system that is.

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