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Hi guys. i have opensuse and vscode installed. my problem

is when i run vscode, it takes about 10-20 % of cpu and about 300MB of ram. and in less than 10 seconds it rises up to 80% of CPU and 3.5GB of RAM and then decreases to 10-20 % and 300mb of ram and again rising like befor and this continues. what is the problem?

3 ответов

10 просмотров

> what is the problem? Hmm, Microsoft?

Try to launch without extensions : code --disable-extensions If it doesn't reproduce the problem, enable extensions one by one until you find the culprit.

Are you sure it is ram and nor virtual memory? What are you using it for? VSCode may start your compiler/VM for your l'inter to work properly. When I was writing elixir, I had somehow similar issues

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