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Is it - at all - possible to install Debian

on btrfs subvolumes? I've installed Debian stable so far on both of my auxiliary machines with 500MB /boot in btrfs which I won't touch further, and / (fsroot) on ~40GB btrfs each. One of them additionally (because one of the hosts has 160GB on its primary drive) has ~120GB for /home, also btrfs formatted. Now, on the host with the larger storage this isn't as much of an issue but one of the hosts only has 40GB storage available.

So I'd like to convert the Debian install there to a layout where 500MB /boot is preserved, but all of the rest is made to be a set of btrfs subvolumes so that the remaining storage can be dynamically allocated across mount points.

From what I've seen so far in the Debian installer, there's the installer on /dev/tty1 and busybox shells on the other ones. They have only the bare minimum of tools available so it doesn't seem possible to do advanced partitioning in there. Are there any other ways to do this, preferably post-install? I've got /boot on its own partition as mentioned before and / and /home on separate btrfs partitions which I'd like to unify.

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