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What are your thoughts on running a server's OS off

a flash drive? It's been discussed earlier and I kind of want to do it on my home server as well, to free up a precious SATA slot. The server reboots about once a month, and most content is served from other drives, except for VM and LXC images, which I still haven't figured out how to put on a different drive in Proxmox. Alternatively I could also put another machine in the network as a Proxmox server with 6 SATA ports of its own. If applicable, they'd have to communicate on either a balance-alb 2Gbps bond interface or 1Gbps for regular activity and a 1Gbps interface on each connected via crossover for dedicated sync. They can be clustered, however then I'd have to separate the storage between the 2 and I'd rather not go for effectively RAID-1 at 1 or 2Gbps speeds (and lose some usable storage in the process). Perhaps the local storage media could be exposed over the network via NFS, so that duplication could be done externally?

TL;DR: I'm debating whether I should free up a SATA slot on my current server by booting the server itself off a flash drive or whether I should introduce a new one with extra SATA ports and let them run in a cluster... Both have their advantages and drawbacks 🤔

5 ответов

2 просмотра

Is it a local server? Like a nas?

So long as you're not doing too many writes to the flash drive

Many IBM and Lenovo servers come with a preloaded VMware ESXi USB pendrive inside the case. They're still running after many years

Network boot it!

I've seen similar approach in VMware tutorials. I'm eager to do it as well once I've bought my server. Anyway, didn't read other's opinion. Because it's late, and too many messages has been sent. So let me know if you decided or not.

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