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Btw, on the topic of privacy.. I believe my phone

number has become a recipient of spam calls of some sort. I don't remember giving out that phone number to anyone but my close contacts, so I suspect that one of said contacts mindlessly shared their contact list (don't give that permission to an app unless you need to, seriously!). How would you go about such an issue where you trust your friends with your phone number but can't trust them to not share it with others? Assuming that they need to be able to reach me over the phone

4 ответов

14 просмотров

Lol never trust people, not even those you are close to

Use 2 numbers

Teach them app permissions?..

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I just found out who this spam caller was btw. It was a cop that I still have to file a testimony with. Now that's all fine and dandy of course but 2 things that grind my gears about this. The crazy motherfucker had the foreskin to call me at 10 fucking PM. For an office inquiry! The guy is only a cop during office hours! And even if he wasn't, what crazy motherfucker goes and calls a stranger - heck even relatives! - after 8 or 9PM!? And the other thing - the fucker called from 3 different phone numbers. So assuming that it's an actual cop, chances are that they have a bunch of cell phones there with SIM cards in them. DO YOU EVEN PBX BRO!? There are organizations that work with the corporate piece of shit called Microsoft Exchange for their mail that they have to pay to add an email address for, for the domain that they already own... But even those run a proper PBX! Yet a police office can't even do that much? Fucking hell

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