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Is there anything wrong with my config ? [Unit] Description=Runs ifaceswitch at

2AM, 7AM and 10m after boot

OnCalendar=*-*-* 02:00:01
OnCalendar=*-*-* 07:00:01


it doesn't fire on 2AM but it fires on 7AM

1 ответов

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the problem lies here https://gist.github.com/itshaadi/1b9b9a4d106673ec413e630e84e5bd7b#file-ifaceswitch-sh-L43 on line 43 i'm executing OPENVPN. which will never DIE,EXIT and will be included as a subprocess of ifaceswitch.service openvpn --config England-proxy.ovpn --auth-user-pass openvpn-password.txt therefore on 2AM timer doesn't fire because service is already UP (OPENVPN kept it UP) openvpn should only run on 7AM - 1:59AM, and my second interface comes up from 2AM until 6:59AM (the script handles it, but it requires to be executed on 2AM in order to do that) so how can I force the timer to Restart my service ?

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