Ubuntu - Linux made horrible by Canonical Throughout the years Canonical made several horrible choices for Ubuntu, therefore it's recommended to avoid Ubuntu (and Canonical) when possible. Examples are: - Poor implementation of the search feature of Ubuntu dock (thereby compromising your privacy and sending your data to amazon unencrypted). - Abandoning Upstart even though it's still in atleast two LTS releases. - Abandoning Unity even though Canonical promised to let the community decide on what to do with Unity. - Shipping a new LTS with an end of life Linux kernel. - Adding Telemetry to Ubuntu (thereby compromising your privacy once again). - Breaking your Bios because of using uefi utils that were flagged dangerous by upstream and fixed before the 17.10 release. - Removing the optional ubuntu dock (dash to dock fork) in ubuntu GNOME (17.10+) breaks updates.
It breaks itself
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