Похожие чаты

Hey everybody im trying to connect to my home pc from

my work pc which connected to another network via ssh.
i allready have ssh installed on both my pcs
i have been trying to connect to my home pc for a while using the following comand:
$ ssh username@host--ip-address
i tried to use my username on the host pc and i tried to use root as my username, i tried the local ip address of my host pc the public one, but both doesnt seem to be working, im gitting the following error msg: connection timed out.

i loged in to my router setings»forwarding»vertual servers and set up forwarding to my host's local ip on port 22, after all of that i tried to connect with my username and with root as username .......but im still receiving the same error msg.

the ssh server is working fine on both my pcs, i checked that out using the command:
$ ssh localhost

why its not working?? any ideas??

1 ответов

7 просмотров

Are you sure you have a public IPv4?

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