Chinese companies, include sogou, WPS, maxthon, NetEase Cloud Music, youdao etc.
They developed these programs togother. (they developed proprietary software and put it in main repo, then let everyone who use their OS to trust these software? how stupid it is!)
you can take a look at this page, only available in Simplified Chinese language, if you were redirected to english homepage, select Simplified Chinese language on the right-top corner, and access this link again.
They also put youdao-dict and Cloud Music on this main repo.
both of these shit are proprietary softawre and mainly for Chinese users.
youdao-dict is a Chinese dictionary, NetEase Cloud Music is a Music Service from Mainland China which provide online streaming and free download of most of trackes (but most of these shit are illegal copy, and recently days they mixed up illegal copy and copyright contents, really disgusting)
deepin have a paid commercial support, but only 32-bit.
The newest version of NetEase Cloud Music is 1.1.0, don't have 32-bit version yet. How can they put these proprietary software for commercial support but don't develop 32-bit version as priority?
haha that's just various levels of fuckery WTF! I just found the netease-cloud-music package is not in non-free, it's ONLY in main repo. If user of deepin removed packages in non-free, and disable non-free repo, install linux-libre, and run vrms, he still can't get rid of these Chinese shit? If the users don't search netease-cloud-music and wps and other Chinese shit on Google, then check the official release, how can he know it's proprietary?
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