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@GetAx @TheRealPara I've heard from different sources over the years

that when a guy sees a job posting, they will go for it if they tick off only a few of the requirements, but a woman would need to have a good amount of confidence across a large number of the requirements before applying. If HR just does the screening, then, in your opinion, doesn't that affect the proportion of women applying if a HR person just puts blindly down things like "must know languages x, y and z. Must know frameworks a, b and c"?

3 ответов

6 просмотров

I can't answer for others, but HR for us is just a quick screen, they don't ask "do you know this framework" If they get to me, I don't give a damn about your gender, background, anything. All I want is someone that can code. I actually just recently had someone "fail" their background check on the supposed grounds that their employment history couldn't be verified. I didn't care, they landed that interview, answered my questions perfectly.... Sadly I couldn't bypass :/ That being said, I really don't know. If you are female, I surely hope you do not run into this issue, because if you do it's complete and utter BS.

I think this quite depends on where you live. In most countries as you said, find a job as a programmer for a women can be difficult (can't relate tho since im not). Don't know about how interviews go. You definately need more than a men to get the same position as a women in a lot of countries. This is NOT depending on the how rich or whatever the f*ck the country is but it's about how people see things, their mentality. Another big problem is the fact that some interviewers asks about what your going to do in the future, like if you're thinking of having a child or smth like that and avoid taking you if u are

I think this quite depends on where you live. In m...

This. It really comes down to who is doing the interviews, and I really hope gender doesn't mean anything.

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