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Hi, for my case right it is possible for my

computer to be client and server.
So Is it alright for me to not include the server? As for the async socket method, creating of server and client is needed. So i am not sure about the method of having only both client without a server.

1 ответов

5 просмотров

Is just understanding the pattern and the implementation. When creating a server socket to handle connections, you save every other sockets that connects to your server. In your case it is just one. That saved socket is the one you are going to use to communicate from A to B and vice versa. So normally A is the server. When B starts he tries to connect to A. A accepts connection and saves socket info. Now every time A wants to say something to B he uses that saved socket. And when B receives info, he receives it on that socket he created and which is the one saved by A. B responds to A via that same socket. And the process continues...

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