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USDT is the gargantuan shitkahuna 🍔💩🍔 in crypto - will

be a matter of good timing and eyesight to shed PLUTO exposure to that one..
There is good chance that there are at least some months left before that happens, so now would be a good time to make plans..
How is USDN stabilization going? @vlzhr
I am super stoked about WAVES because Waves is the ONLY platform that survived the FTX attack in Mai21 -
the sharks had to spit it out again!!
And likewise I am gleefully happy that Solana, 3AC, Celsius, TerraLuna and a cpl more shitshows bit the dust- while Waves didn't!!
So looking forward into a stablecoin universe, ofc making some contingency against USDT collapse is not only prudent but _mandatory_
🏫🎒- how about that?

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14 просмотров

So true man. Waves survived and is surviving yet another major headwind. It's super comforting and why most of my bag is between vires and pluto..

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