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Pluto relaunch thoughts We may rethink Pluto Protocol in a way

Yearn Finance exists:

- introduce website which shows current Pluto treasury disitribution and treasury APY
- relaunch Pluto staking with APY = treasury APY
- allow PLUTO minting with WAVES, but without onboarding period
- allow PLUTO withdrawals at backed price

This way, Pluto will become a solid DeFi product suitable for current situation on Waves

What do you think?

3 ответов

19 просмотров

What will be the benefit for the investor if he minted pluto with waves ?

I'm ok with whatever would increase treasury today, maybe we can file a proposal I'm Waves dao too, to increase treasury. But I would like to see Pluto return to it's original concept when this mess is somewhat solved. I am still very fond of pluto's original concept and if USDN was not rekt beyond recognition we would be fine today😁

Vladimir- Автор вопроса

Basically Pluto staking needs re-design.. one of the most important parts of relaunch plan

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