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Food For Thought Let's say that one way to attract more

activity on the WAVES blockchain was to have more people that know how to write responsible financial code.

Inal Kardanov presentation Learn Web 3.0 with Waves on Coursera is an great learning resource on how to code a RIDE dapp, but it needs to be updated and expanded.

How can the WAVES ecosystem encourage more people to build learning videos with github repositories?

WAVES School did a good job of delivering a series of video courses explaining how blockchain technology and finance work together but fell short on reliably delivering an achievement NFT. <== watched all the videos and passed all the quizzes and a bot said no NFT for you 😡

Maybe people could somehow plug their teaching series into a NFT achievement smart contract that rewards passing a quiz or some other criterion?

Coursera provides a testing/quiz framework for passing the video courses.
Codecademy is another learning resource with achievement badges.

I know, I know it will be gamed. Maybe to mitigate this attack vector the NFT could serve as a merit badge and a feedback loop (github) where comments are to discuss the developer's capabilities? Call BS on a badge?

If WAVES has a larger pool of developers then people with resources can fund these developers to build applications on top of WAVES L1 and L2.

Developers with these achievement merit NFT badges could add them to Puzzle Market, Sign, etc. and then link investors/project managers to their merit badge landing page. Might be useful to future DAO proposal creators to show verifiable achievements of the team?

Would a hypothetical TeachingDAO be a PowerDAO child non-profit DAO? or a WAVESDAO proposal?

BTW, which blockchain has the best developer learning tools?

1 ответов

3 просмотра

Hi, Cme! Thank you for your interesting thoughts, TeachingDAO sounds good :)

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