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What if I bought 1 waves for 1 wavesdlp, will

I get my waves back for wavesdlp?

3 ответов

4 просмотра

Hi there Vadim! 👋😁 Waves DAO investors, which are $WAVESDLP holders, will also be involved in the distribution of profits 😌👌

Вадим- Автор вопроса
Noah Waves 🌊
Hi there Vadim! 👋😁 Waves DAO investors, which are ...

in order to participate in the distribution of profits, you need to submit wavesdlp to wavesdao?

in order to participate in the distribution of pro...

Right! You will have the opportunity to make a transaction to receive your share of the income during the Settlement, I think we will have detailed instructions for you closer to August 15th :)

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