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Got a 'funny' not so funny trouble. I have on premises

servers hosting mail, NS, webs... on a public IP range distinct of the public IP of the Orange livebox
when Gmail want to ensure that my mail server IP is correct the livebox answer with it IP and so Gmail refuse to accept the emails with a 550-5.7.25 undelivered mail
I have full control on the servers but none on the livebox
any ideas to help solve that?

2 ответов

10 просмотров

Do you have a PTR record for the IP address of the mail server? Do you have a AAAA record? Is DMARC, SPF and DKIM set up?

Fab-horn Автор вопроса
Raptor Blue Bear
Do you have a PTR record for the IP address of the...

yes, PTR and all DNA info was ok, I've added an smtp_bind_address with the correct IP as well as removing localhost and Lan IP from the inet_interfaces leaving alone the correct public IP and now Gmail receive the mails from that mail server

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