👍 or 👎?
Hard no
I used it for a bit earlier, it was tragic IMO. It's got all the good bits of zsh, but being incompatible with bash syntax was a dealbreaker for me. It seems that its developer has no interest in adding bash compatibility either. For security meanwhile, no particular opinion here. If you use ssh server do_stuff in scripts though, fish is going to break that. Actually, just about every other shell does IME. So I just stuck with bash and customized my PS1 for that instead.
I wouldn't bother
Does it have a bad reputation? Isn't it mature enough? I wanna know your reasons if you'd like to share
I agree with you regarding scripts, syntax is compatible. But I'm considering administration view. The fancy features it has makes day to day maintenance tasks easier.
you shouldn't be doing them manually if you have to do them that often
That's correct but not everyone knows e.g. ansible like they know shell
Another question: If you are opposted to this, what about: 1. zsh on production servers? 2. bash with oh-my-bash or zsh with oh-my-zsh plugins?
Bash...just plain bash
Why are you installing custom shells on prod servers again?
I'm not. Wanted to know different mindsets around this. Reasons are legit, but I believe admin's user experience and productivity is extremely neglected. If their reasons were the case, ash would never evolve to dash and then bash.
Why do you think that the experience and productivity of sysadmins are neglected?
bash is not up to par in this aspct fish is more than a terminal, it's somehow like a tui and we have this evolution in every aspect. kubectl quickly evolved to k9s and kubernetes dashboard. All of these can be used and are used together in different use cases and incidents.
How often do you log on to and make changes or do any administration on your production servers.
Change is not frequent but using shell is an everyday thing
You need the terminal on your production servers daily?
Yeah. I'm trying to expand automation, cd and event driven monitoring and provisioning (as a devops guy) but system admins do login into servers every day
They honestly don't need to. You should training them not to, set up centralised logging, monitoring, config management, automated provisioning, etc etc. Make logging into a production server a rare occurrence
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