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Hi all! I have a question. I've been told mynearwallet.com

is a good choise now that wallet.near.org will be discontinued. Issue is, mynearwallet seems to be flagged as unsafe by twitter and several other actors. Could someone please tell me why, and is it still safe to use? Thanks!

13 ответов

3 просмотра

Yes. MyNearWallet is very similar to the Near Wallet. Can you share screenshots of the flagged messages you're seeing on Twitter. That shouldn't happen

Fictionspawn- Автор вопроса
Thanks! here's the message:

Its an issue couple of users are facing but its at users end mostly because of their internet service provider.

Thanks! here's the message:

can you try to access this webpage directly: https://www.mynearwallet.com ?

Fictionspawn- Автор вопроса
Rahul Goel ⋈ △
Its an issue couple of users are facing but its at...

The site works, it's just when I want to access from Twitter. Duckduckgo also has a red cross instead of the normal green checkmark,

The site works, it's just when I want to access fr...

try from different device, for me it’s blocked on PC, available on phone

try from different device, for me it’s blocked on ...

This can be tried once to check if the issue persists

Fictionspawn- Автор вопроса
try from different device, for me it’s blocked on ...

It does work, I was just worried there might be some kind of scam, and if anyone had heard/experienced something. Thanks for the help!

It does work, I was just worried there might be so...

The wallet is 100% safe. There has been no report of any issue. But if you would like you can always try other wallets which are there in ecosystem ✌🏻

Fictionspawn- Автор вопроса
Rahul Goel ⋈ △
The wallet is 100% safe. There has been no report ...

Thanks! Anyway, is there any easy way to check safety when I look for wallets? I mean, they do ask for my seed phrase, don't they? 🙄

Thanks! Anyway, is there any easy way to check saf...

thats how we get access to the same account. so we have to use the seed phrase if we want to get the same account

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