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Great news for the Neutrino community! The Mother DAO proposal

voting has reached the quorum, meaning that 200 $PWR will be allocated to the Neutrino DAO this week.

Do not miss the last opportunity to participate in the distribution of these $PWR tokens! How you can do that?

1) Invest XTN in the Neutrino treasury.
The offer is limited: 309k XTN out of 400k have been already invested. Hurry up!

2) Stake NSBT or SURF to get more gNSBT. Be prepared for the Neutrino DAO snapshots.
Limited offer #2: Get double gNSBT for staking NSBT right now.

You won't get a second chance, act now!

5 ответов

9 просмотров

Unstake still error?

Emma Waves 🌊- Автор вопроса

There is sadness, but there is no joy. The previous event has not yet paid rewards and still calls people to participate in the new event. sleep for good health. ;))

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