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I'Ve always wondered why Kali (or any turnkey pentesting distro)

is so often recommended for security research. Sure, it's easy to setup and rather ephemeral (even with persistence set up). But custom tooling and such? Unless you decide to install it as a regular distro (as opposed to launching the live session every time), forget about it. And the dick measurement (excuse my French) with the package count too. Who cares if you've got 20k packages if half of them are scripts that flat out suck, and you wouldn't ever touch more than 5% of them anyway? It's so stupid. I'd much rather debootstrap or pacstrap or whatever to a USB stick, and create my own customised environment. In case of Kali specifically, especially because running a DE like Gnome on a USB stick is just awful. /rant

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15 просмотров

The hilarious thing is that none of the pentesters I've ever worked with used Kali

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