Похожие чаты

Average APR is average for everyone or mine?

14 ответов

4 просмотра

Average APR is only who have taken part in voting and it depends on the number of voters☺️

Michal-Pelikán Автор вопроса
Vangelis Pavlidis
So when can the airdrop be claimed?

Hi! If you haven't claimed your reward you could do it at any time. Then your tokens will be locked for 14 days. And for your more convenience you should dive into FAQ we've prepared for you: https://t.me/PWRDAO/36957

Michal Pelikán
So everyone see same APR?

It is, but only those who have already voted can get it 😊

Emma Waves 🌊
Hi! If you haven't claimed your reward you could d...

I can't let go of the bet ,even though it's been more than 14 days

Rupesh 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩
when unstake start?

Greetings, Rupesh! As soon as the team completes the scope of work, we will notify you here. Stay tuned for more updates in the pinned posts👌

So you've claimed the reward before. Now you just should wait until the restoring the full functionality of the protocol is completed. We will definitely let you know in chat!

Michal-Pelikán Автор вопроса

i would like to get same powerdao course as you.

Michal Pelikán
i would like to get same powerdao course as you.

Then I highly recommend you keep an eye on the updates in the Proposals section😉 Here you could be updated about exactly MotherDAO votes!

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