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Recently I got this email from a business called "B2B

Rocket". Did any of you receive such an email too recently? It seems to be soliciting me to chat with a sales rep from Juniper, but I honestly doubt its veracity. It is true that I am a sysadmin who might be interested in Juniper's offerings, but this is just.. it looks so sketchy, and with the domain name it even suggests being AI-generated.

Upon doing a background check with this business, it seems that they are just a B2B advertising platform, with AI only being used to find potential customers basically. Kinda frightening in its own right really, since this is a personal email address that I share with hardly anyone, and don't even really use anymore (I have my own domain and mail servers now).

Anyway, my question is.. would you trust something like this? Apparently this company got a lot of VC funding, so there's that. But I can't help but think that this looks extremely sketchy and low-effort AI-generated content, at least at first glance.

18 ответов

24 просмотра

Mark as spam. If you want something from juniper, go to thrm directly.

Vim- Автор вопроса
harꭑony5 🐦‍⬛ ↺
Mark as spam. If you want something from juniper, ...

I guess that wouldn't be a bad idea. Regardless of whether they're a genuine business, this should send them a clear message to change their tactics. Even if they are genuine, mail server operators really don't want to get flagged by Google or Microsoft as spammers. Some 90% of consumers are using their mail services after all.

I guess that wouldn't be a bad idea. Regardless of...

Damn when will this monopoly end? We had a decentralized and federated protocol. Wtf happened here?

Vim- Автор вопроса
Alexander Gnatyuk
Damn when will this monopoly end? We had a decentr...

The problem is that deploying personal mail servers is way too complicated. That being said, ISP's are well within their capabilities (or at least should be) to build their own email services. I for one would welcome such a thing being incorporated by all of them. Heck, I'd even welcome legislation that makes it mandatory for them to include this in their service packages. This duopoly gives both Google and especially Microsoft power that they shouldn't have. Microsoft in particular is a total bitch with third-party mail servers.

The problem is that deploying personal mail server...

No, no, I don't ask for ppl to be sysadmins. Just choose sane email providers. We have enough of them. With gmail being this popular you are 95% guaranteed to have your private messages end up in google's hands to be used for training AIs, selling ads and helping governments put you in jail.

Vim- Автор вопроса
The problem is that deploying personal mail server...

Currently I see some ISP's still doing this. I see both NOS Communications (Portugal), and Telenet (Belgium) still offering this. However, at least NOS Communications simply piggybacks off Microsoft's enterprise offerings. Not sure if Telenet does as well, but Belgium's tech infrastructure in general also relies heavily on Microsoft.

Vim- Автор вопроса
Alexander Gnatyuk
No, no, I don't ask for ppl to be sysadmins. Just ...

That's good advice, I approve! Even if it's something proprietary like ProtonMail (their cryptographic suite is only supported internally) or whatever, that's still better than the duopoly we have right now.

That's good advice, I approve! Even if it's someth...

I wish we went back to the era of separating clients and servers. I simply refuse to use any email provider that doesn't support imap and smtp via login and password. Google no longer does - you have to log in via browser to get your app "verified" first.

Vim- Автор вопроса
Alexander Gnatyuk
I wish we went back to the era of separating clien...

As for this, same here to be honest. IMAP is far from perfect, especially with its whole state machine abolition in the form of X1 X2 X3 X4... prefixes to every transaction. That could've been literally just a state machine in both client and server, which is a CS fundamental. But webmail is not the answer to this issue. A protocol update — as hard as it would be, albeit not as hard as it would be for SMTP — could've been the answer to this.

Yeah, unlike IPv6 which we'll never see unless governments enforce it by law.

Alexander Gnatyuk
Yeah, unlike IPv6 which we'll never see unless gov...

We'll have 50% coverage by next year. https://www.google.com/intl/en/ipv6/statistics.html

Martin Rys
We'll have 50% coverage by next year. https://www....

How do they study it? Can they really test each small ISP?

Martin Rys
Everybody uses google

I prey for internet 1.0 to return 😭


It was a place for ppl to express themselves and create stuff. There was no gatekeepers. Now we have half a dozen companies controlling every aspect of people's lives including what they are allowed to say.

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