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Vim I'm on the path to embracing digital independence, but

that also means everything I say is indexed and linked back to me since my website would be the same as my handle and at some point connected to my name. Do you think I should separate my professional and political identities?

7 ответов

23 просмотра

I have been thinking about that too

Yes, absolutely. I've seen several cases where Twitter SJW's have gone after contributor profiles over their personal statements (e.g. here). Even if you choose not to separate your work and personal profiles entirely, you should at least suffix your personal statements (e.g. blog posts) with a mention that it does not reflect your previous, current, or future employers' ideas.

Alexander-Gnatyuk Автор вопроса
Yes, absolutely. I've seen several cases where Twi...

Damn I hope this insanity doesn't spill over to my country.

Alexander-Gnatyuk Автор вопроса
Yes, absolutely. I've seen several cases where Twi...

I so regret having to come up with new username now... On the other hand, if you make videos and such, it gets really hard to separate the two.

Alexander Gnatyuk
Damn I hope this insanity doesn't spill over to my...

To be fair, I guess this is mostly an American thing, where they're still figuring out what a meter is. This was filed during the heat of all of that. At the time, I even got banned somewhere (Guild of Sysadmin) by an American sheriff over debating this. And then shortly after the whole George Floyd thing.. they shot another black person. Country of cavemen, I call it. But such cavemen also have access to the internet.. and they have large Twitter followings. This has held corporate entities in a chokehold for almost a decade so far.

Alexander-Gnatyuk Автор вопроса
To be fair, I guess this is mostly an American thi...

Lol I so love people making fun of them for not using metric 😆

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