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Are there any groups specificially for Rust/Bevy?

2 ответов

14 просмотров

Hey! Welcome to the The Devs Network - Rust group. First of all, please read the rules: @thedevsrules Do you want to learn Rust (and oxidise the world 😂)? Start by reading The Rust Book. If you are ever in doubt, think about, Why Rust? Tutorials Rust 101 - Just a basic, hands-on course Rustlings - Programming exercises in Rust Rust Cookbook - Learn Rust good practices with practical code samples CIS 198: Rust Programming, at University of Pennsylvania Podcasts New Rustacean - For beginner Rustaceans Rusty Spike - Rust NEWS Books - Rust Books Videos Rust Camp 2015 - Keynote, by Aaron Turon Writing Crates for Complete Beginners, Sunjay Varma Learn More Rust Learnings - a list of awesome learning material Awesome Rust - Awesome stuff from the Rust ecosystem Even More Not-Yet-Awesome-Rust - Closing the gaps in the Rust ecosystem Are we learning yet? - Helping make Rust ripe for Machine Learning Are we web yet? - Building the web-frameworks of tomorrow, with Rust! Are we game yet? - Developing games with Rust! #pin #pinned #post


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