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When will we be able to commit PWR on a

child DAO after the foundational commitment? when a new period starts?

3 ответов

7 просмотров

Hi there Martin! Which child DAO are you interested in? There is 5 different ones 😅🙏

Martin WL- Автор вопроса
Noah Waves 🌊
Hi there Martin! Which child DAO are you interest...

I was assuming that the answers are independent of the child DAO, so they are same rules for all them.

Martin WL
I was assuming that the answers are independent of...

Well, no... The rules and KPI periods of each Child DAO are different, so if you have a specific DAO in which you intend to commit, it will be easier for me to find this out it and immediately tell you the date on which you can make this commitment :) However, as a rule, you can make a commit in any Child DAO as soon as its KPI period ends! The only exception here will be WX DAO, participation in which can only be done through the $WXDAO token 😅

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