old laptop that I use as home server. There's not much activity running on it, load average is 0.20, 0.35, 0.21. There's a fan in it which is very noisy. It's not the CPU fan. Can I use the laptop without it until the new fan is delivered? I tried to clean it but it's still noisy. Do I risk to break the laptop?
What temps do you hit under load on what components using what exact hardware
Where's the temperature? There's nothing under the fan, I think it's just a general fan
>top Do you hate yourself? At least use htop, that has optional settings for CPU temp at minimum. lm_sensors is what you want most likely though.
Ahahahah, it's just that top is built in
Quite dated version of htop, and you didn't enable temperatures.
I'm running Ubuntu Server LTS, let me see how to enable it
Which ships an ancient buggy version and I am about 70% sure it's missing CPU temp relevant patches.
DISTRIB_ID=Ubuntu DISTRIB_RELEASE=22.04 DISTRIB_CODENAME=jammy DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS" So can't install libs for temperatures?
Yep, that's the one.
If you at all care about newer htop, you can run this. (and then rm -rf ~/.config/htop ) https://paste.rys.pw/?218614e31c8686e1#Fq1YExisbLd5mZ8XR8XTGk84nWBPvdoumtMChswaHw6C I give no guarantees.
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