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Would it be possible to package Linux as a whole

into this?

Also, instead of only network drivers, it could use all drivers, even hardware & printer drivers & the entirety of the Linux Stack in general?



12 ответов

15 просмотров

It's virtualizing it, so yeah, it's possible.

Interested-Deving Автор вопроса
harꭑony5 (⊙ ◡ ⦿︎) ↺
It's virtualizing it, so yeah, it's possible.

Would it be possible to apply this on top of "Zircon Kernel / FuschiaOS"? Replace FreeBSD with FuschiaOS? Hypothetically?

Interested Deving
Would it be possible to apply this on top of "Zirc...

The readme from the gh link you shared says that it uses bhyve, which is a virtualization software native to freebsd. So unless someone ports it to fuchsia, the answer is no. Ps: i think you're using hypothetically wrong here. Of course it's possible, it would just require a ton of effort and time to port it.

Interested-Deving Автор вопроса
harꭑony5 (⊙ ◡ ⦿︎) ↺
The readme from the gh link you shared says that i...

If Google is clearly low-key working on something wouldn't they be pseudo-officially working on porting byhve to Zircon? https://9to5google.com/2018/06/15/fuchsia-friday-machina-brings-support-for-running-linux-on-top-of-fuchsia/

Interested Deving
If Google is clearly low-key working on something ...

Why bhyve specifically, it's just a virtualization software, like a bunch of others that exist. The link you shared (which is from 2018) in this very message talks about fuchsia's own emulator. Do you even read what you share? Afaik, fuchsia's development is open source, so if you want to know something about it, just check their docs.

Interested-Deving Автор вопроса
Interested-Deving Автор вопроса

But you asked for fuchsia. Anyway, for dahlia, I see they're linux, so they could just use kvm

Interested-Deving Автор вопроса
Interested-Deving Автор вопроса
Interested Deving

Dahlia OS | Dual-Kernel System | New Pangolin UI/DE | First Look ... https://g.co/kgs/vmmfU1k

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