Похожие чаты

Let'S make it simple:- For android apps- Kotlin (Java dev, time

to freak on me)

For iOS - Swift (u can't say I use arch btw after learnin this)

For Web - js with react for frontend & python with django for backend (ik this one is for startin a war)

For game development - unreal with cpp (waitin for your response "he is a beginner, unity is better for him" so that i can say "didn't asked")

For data science and ML - python with numpy, pandas, seaborn, matplotlib, sklearn, PyTorch and finally tensorflow & some high school maths (maths? its not for u darlin)

For blockchain - solinidity (ik i haven't spelled it correctly + js is an option & "any application that can be written in JavaScript, will eventually be written in JavaScript.")

What am I missin?

13 ответов

34 просмотра

What about Artificial intelligence and robotics bro ?

Malware-(\/ /\ R |_| |\|) Автор вопроса
What about Artificial intelligence and robotics br...

Data science, machine learning and artificial intelligence are on the sane plate 🍽️

Write a blog post and send it to him

So many assumptions....

Malware-(\/ /\ R |_| |\|) Автор вопроса
Raptor Blue Bear
So many assumptions....

It's based on current industry used frameworks and my opinion

Malware (\/ /\ R |_| |\|)
It's based on current industry used frameworks and...

You're either liberally sprinkling your opinion or you're not totally in touch with what's happening in the industry.

Malware-(\/ /\ R |_| |\|) Автор вопроса
Malware-(\/ /\ R |_| |\|) Автор вопроса
Raptor Blue Bear
That's what I'm giving you


Malware-(\/ /\ R |_| |\|) Автор вопроса
Raptor Blue Bear
That's what I'm giving you

So... according to you, what should I change?

Malware (\/ /\ R |_| |\|)
So... according to you, what should I change?

Just remove your opinions from it and omit the bits you're assuming from tracks you don't have sufficient experience in. It's all I ask

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