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Hey everyone! I am currently reviewing a server of mine,

that serves as an LXC host. It runs Debian 12, and has two physical network interfaces. Both interfaces have been configured to use the "old school" naming scheme (via GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="net.ifnames=0"), and have been enslaved to their respective bridges br0 and br1.

They each get their own IP address in the same network range (, and use the same gateway. I have however read that specifying the same gateway in multiple interfaces is a bad idea in ifupdown configs. Not sure how much of that is true, since commenting one out did not solve my problem and that being an issue would suggest implementation deficiencies. I did however comment it out in the config for br1.

Not only that, but despite the service having crashed according to systemd, both bridges have been successfully configured in practice. All of eth0, eth1, br0, and br1 exist, and are configured appropriately at boot time with no intervention required. But the networking service still fails. Below are the error messages it gives.

Feb 29 11:28:29 thinkstation systemd[1]: Starting networking.service - Raise network interfaces...
Feb 29 11:28:29 thinkstation ifup[1677]: RTNETLINK answers: File exists
Feb 29 11:28:29 thinkstation ifup[1654]: ifup: failed to bring up br1
Feb 29 11:28:29 thinkstation systemd[1]: networking.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
Feb 29 11:28:29 thinkstation systemd[1]: networking.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Feb 29 11:28:29 thinkstation systemd[1]: Failed to start networking.service - Raise network interfaces.

Any idea what's going on here? FWIW, the files in question are linked below. I've taken the liberty to append .txt to each, to make them easier to open in a web browser. However, this is not the case on-server.

1 ответов

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Vim- Автор вопроса

That was mine here — long story short, I'm experiencing some strange problems with my double bridged network setup that do not fail at any of their practical tasks, but do cause the networking service to fail regardless.

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