Похожие чаты

Hi I'm in trouble and need help. My Debian seems

crashed. When restarted I have this message: " /dev/sda2: UNEXPECTED INCONSISTENCY; RUN fsck Manually. (i.e, without -a or -p options)". The worse is not running the command but the keyboard doesn't work anymore. Any tips please? Thanks

13 ответов

19 просмотров


вадим- Автор вопроса
Yes laptop

You hard disk is going to be dead soon. For keyboard, plug in USB keyboard and run the fsck command

Boot live ISO and fsck from there.

вадим- Автор вопроса
I plugged USB keyboard, no work...

System didn't load, no surprise.

вадим- Автор вопроса
I plugged USB keyboard, no work...

If you plugged after it crash, for sure it will not work

вадим- Автор вопроса
вадим- Автор вопроса
Martin Rys
Boot live ISO and fsck from there.

I can use old iso live, cause it seems I lost the dvd I used to install version 11 (Debian)?

I can use old iso live, cause it seems I lost the ...

Older than 2021?? I mean you can try and it will likely do the job, but I would not suggest it, just put a current image on a flash drive.

вадим- Автор вопроса
🤦‍♂ Debian 9

Using 2017 tooling on a 2024 system is not advisable, but you do you if you have no other options

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