Похожие чаты

This just showed up on my "feed".... Does anyone have anything

to share about it?


22 ответов

19 просмотров

probably sponsored by globohomo

Cool idea. I like the idea of federating everything.

Interested-Deving Автор вопроса
𝙳𝚢𝚕𝚊𝚗 🫠
Cool idea. I like the idea of federating everythin...

I'd love to see it deployed this way... https://blog.knoldus.com/self-hosted-gitlab-server-using-lxc/

Interested Deving
I'd love to see it deployed this way... https://...

You know it's a good post when it has more bad practice than I can fit on a single screenshot

Interested-Deving Автор вопроса
Interested-Deving Автор вопроса
Interested Deving
I'd love to see it deployed this way... https://...

Here is a guide for Docker.... https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/install/docker.html

Interested Deving
Here is a guide for Docker.... https://docs.gitla...

Using actual documentation seems like a sane idea

Interested-Deving Автор вопроса
Martin Rys
Using actual documentation seems like a sane idea


Interested-Deving Автор вопроса
Interested Deving


Interested-Deving Автор вопроса
Interested Deving


Interested-Deving Автор вопроса
Interested Deving
I'd love to see it deployed this way... https://...


Interested-Deving Автор вопроса
Interested Deving
I'd love to see it deployed this way... https://...


Interested-Deving Автор вопроса
Martin Rys
What's the point with the link spam?

What's your "sane" point? https://t.me/thedevs_linux/470622

Interested-Deving Автор вопроса
Interested Deving
What's your "sane" point? https://t.me/thedevs_li...

Are you saying non-official documentation is illegitimate or untrustworthy?

Interested Deving
I'd love to see it deployed this way... https://...

Written by a consultant and tech enthusiast. What could possibly go wrong

Interested Deving
Are you saying non-official documentation is illeg...

There's no thing as non-official docs. Either, there's docs or there isn't. If it's not official, it's just a tutorial

Isn't git already decentralized?

harꭑony5 ¯\_㋡_/¯ ↺
Isn't git already decentralized?

Yes, but this solves a perceived problem observed by a tech enthusiast

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