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Hi, I want to start coding Java again and to

get a nice project I'd like to get certified (again). Some years ago I got my OCA certification for Java 8 and now I might want to step up to Java 17 OCP. Do you guys think it's possible to do OCP 17 straight away or would doing OCA 17 first be easier?

10 ответов

4 просмотра
Sander-Koenders Автор вопроса

@dburyak perhaps?

Sander Koenders
@dburyak perhaps?

Are you a promoter of dburyak?

Sander Koenders
@dburyak perhaps?

My bad, I meant “Are you a promoter of @dburyak?” @sanderkoenders.

Hello Sander! Long time no see. I'm not familiar with java certifications. Never did it myself, never asked it on interviews, never talked about it with colleagues. Only once I was asked if I have java certification on the interview. I asked why do you care about it? He said that if I had it, then he would have skipped some more basic questions on his list. He was filling in competency matrix along the way, killing two birds with one stone. My very very personal opinion on this. You'll waste your time and money on it. The only benefit of doing it is that you'll learn/refresh knowledge during preparation. But getting actual cert will be worthless specifically for you. Because you have very good experience in the industry. Java certification may matter on interviews for juniors (but not that much). You'll spend more time talking about architecture, databases and that kind of stuff rather than whether you have cert or not. If I were you AND I was looking for a backend java job, I'd rather looked at aws/azure/gcp certifications more. If you're into certifications. Those certs will give you much higher advantage for projects that are deployed in cloud. But this is true only if you're searaching for such kind of job.

Witold 🖤🩶
My bad, I meant “Are you a promoter of @dburyak?”...

It's just a typical way of asking someone particular about specific question. We often do it here, I don't see anything wrong with it or anything related to promotion or somethign

Witold 🖤🩶
Did I said anything wrong Sir?

Not at all. I just tried to explain what that second message from Sander was

Sander-Koenders Автор вопроса
Dmytro Buryak
Hello Sander! Long time no see. I'm not familiar w...

Ye, I'm also doing a AWS certification. I'm going to be working for another Java consultancy company and their reason for certification is so that they can have some kind of objective proof of my skills to show their client.

Sander Koenders
Ye, I'm also doing a AWS certification. I'm going ...

Sir what certifications would you recommend for som1 aiming Java for backend solutions..(currently I am working on Microsrrvices and server pages JSP beginner)

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